

041: 祝・デビュー1周年

            To my beloved STylish six guys


You are STeering team SixTONES, sometimes as a  STarter and at other times a  STopper. Being so clever, you are going your way, indifferent to criticism.
I hope you e ST
ablish your  STandards to keep away from causing controversy.  


Though you do not make a clear STatement about what to do, you are the STabilizer of our team. Your blog, written with willfully obSTinateness eases my mind every day because I can get to know that SixTONES is untroubled today, too.
I think you should be the laST
 resort of SixTONES' metric rise to STardom.
Wishing you truST
 yourself when singing


Your way of smiling looks so graceful though you seem to have kept resiSTant to unjuST destiny. That is because you have been making STeady progress STep by STep.  I expect you to keep going on your STyle.  


You are "the STAR"; the keySTone of an arch conSTructed by six STones.
You are always laughing and make us happy.  

You are so STrong that you can hide your STruggles, but  I miSTily feel that you are always fighting againST something. That is why I can't help giving you a booST. 


You are like STaple foods, essential for my life to go well.  

What I love about you are; 

The range of your voice is aSTonishing when singing and delivering your lines. 

Your fantaSTic dance STimulates me as if it is highly spiced.

You act STunning that it should be your deSTiny to be an actor.


I love your dancing way; though STanding STill, you look as if music and dance are flowing from inside of you.  

STarting signal is always a green light as long as you've STayed STrong‐willed and truSTworthy. I hope you can go STraight forward.


The world will STare at SixTONES with amazement, someday soon.
SixTONES will ST
ir up the world with a feeling of euphoria with their music.
May the feeling of diSTance between you and I never change.










あなたは私が生きていくためには欠かせない主食のようなもの。           あなたの好きなところ;                             

  • 歌う時、台詞を口にする時の声の幅の驚くべき広さ               
  • スパイスを利かせたかのように刺激的なダンスの素晴らしさ              
  • 俳優になることが宿命だと思えるような、目を見張る程の演技   


ただ静に佇んでいてすら内側から音楽やダンスが流れ出すかのようなあなたの踊りが好きです。 あなたが強い意志をもち信頼すべき人である限り、いつもスタートの合図は青信号です。どうかこのまま真っ直ぐに進んで欲しい。


いつの日か、世界が驚きをもってSixTONESを見つめる日が来るだろう。        SixTONESはその音楽で世界を陶酔させるだろう。                 あなた達と私の距離感の変わることがありませんように